Multi level marketing companies are extremely attractive to people who wish to earn more money or have an even more flexible work life. It seems that most the task is simply done for you and all you've got to accomplish is sell products and collect commissions, right? Not really. ARIIX is one particular company but I wouldn't start counting your commission checks just yet. In this ARIIX MLM review, I'll explain how it works and if this is really a viable choice for you. So let's get started.
What Is ARIIX?
ARIIX is an MLM company situated in Utah offering health and wellness products.
It is distinctive from other health and wellness MLM's due to the high number of products and range of brands it offers.
Most MLMs focus on selling their own products.
ARIIX carries a selection of brands for recruiters to offer!
If that's got you interested, it's time for you to dig in a little more in regards to the company…
Is ARIIX A Pyramid Scheme?
Most of you guys may be thinking whether Ariix is a pyramid scheme or not.
Well,you can not say it is a pyramid scheme because they are actually selling physical products to people.
Rather it's an outright pyramid scheme,which is with this reason.
For earning more income or maximizing your income with Ariix ,you've to recruit people under you.
So,here is the recruiting system that is why most of the people think Ariix is a pyramid scheme.
Because most of the people which are earning profits with Ariix are by their downlines.
They're earning profits by recruiting other member ,this is the reason top 1% people make all the amount of money with Ariix.
My answer is that Ariix is a legit Mlm company which focuses on health and wellness products.
You possibly can make money just by selling their products if you don't like to recruit others under you.Or hate network marketing like me.
How Much Does It Cost To Join ARIIX?
To begin with with ARIIX , you will have to make the very least purchase. Each product has a PV. For instance, the Get Fit Advanced Pack is 200 PV with a price of $335.00. To keep your membership active, you will also need to buy or sell $148 worth of products every four weeks. This is typical in most MLM business models. You may also be required to wait a complete day of training for a fee.
Final Thoughts
ARIIX , like all MLMs, require that you make sales and recruit members. MLMs are notoriously high pressure and you simply make commissions on your own sales and the sales of one's recruits. And undoubtedly that to be able to keep your membership active, you've to buy the very least amount of products per month. There's also no base pay. So it's possible that you might spend a fortune to get going here and end up getting nothing to exhibit for it.
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